
Passenger Fares

Local Service (within 60 miles) Adult Local $10.00
Bismarck, Grand Forks, Minot, Jamestown $20.00
Child Ages 7 and under FREE
Within County $5
Veterans Medical FREE
Personal Care Attendants / Transportation Trainers FREE

Each passenger fare is applicable to a round trip . The fare for each round trip is at the current prevailing rate, paid by cash or check. Exact fare is required; drivers do not make change.Fares must be paid prior to the beginning of the trip. Drivers are not permitted to access a passenger’s personal wallet, purse, or backpack, nor write and/or fill in any information on a passenger’s personal check. Drivers are not allowed to accept gifts or gratuities (tips).

Benson County Transportation users are allowed to bring one guest with additional guests allowed as space is available. Guests are charged the current prevailing rate, the same as an eligible passenger. Children (under age 7), personal care attendants, and transportation trainers ride free when accompanied by an eligible passenger.

Discount ride cards may be purchased for ten rides. Ride cards are available from the driver or at office for $30.    The driver will collect payment from passengers at the time they receive a ride card. Ride cards may not be redeemed for cash under any circumstance. Lost or stolen ride cards will not be replaced. Ride cards are valid only on Benson County Transportation . Inquire with dispatch at time of ride reservation about purchasing a ride card, so the driver will have it available to you at time of boarding vehicle. Ride cards are only good for the 60 mile radius destinations. (The regular $10 fare trips)

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